I’m backend developer and have to build a frontend for my project. This should be an almost static site:
some pages will contain a kind of custom search component:
an input field with 10-12 checkboxes/dropdowns containing HTML+JS+CSS. I already have a working prototype. -
other pages like About/Contact/FAQ/Help - completely static,
pure Bootstrap HTML/CSS (and minimal JS)
So I would write Bootstrap HTML and use some template engine to have building blocks(templates) for header/footer/menu/sidebar/breadrcumbs…
I am new to Cursor. I think, generating Bootstrap-compatible HTML should be easy. I am not sure about generating templates.
Something like “generate a Liquid template for page footer” ? (Imagine I will use Eleventy (www.11ty.dev), and Liquid templates are quite well-known)
Some other template engine or other approach for this?