Supabase for back-end

Hey guys, I have an existing project in Github that I’d like to work on using Cursor. However, that project uses Supabase for the back-end: databases, functions and cronjobs are all hosted in Supabase.

For me to be able to properly switch to Cursor, I’d need a vanilla integration with Supabase. Is this possible? Thanks!

You have have the composer agent use Supabase CLI in the terminal to access and manage your database. You can ask it to help you set it up.

Add this to your cursor docs and reference it when setting up Supabase CLI: Supabase CLI | Supabase Docs

There is a Supabase extension available that can give you access to your specific deployment and tables, but we do not currently have a way for the AI to interact directly with your Supabase instance, except how @777lent suggested, which is to use the Agent to run Supabase CLI commands in your terminal.

We hope to have a better integration for this in the future!

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