It takes way longer than 0.43’s composer, it checks for linter errors, which is useless for xcode, and it generally just has a way smaller vision, like it does things that would make no sense to do if you were looking at the entire file.
Please stop auto updating it, and please fix this in 0.45, it’s way less usable.
Yes I agree, this version is bad, specially for Xcode, It still overwriting and deleting current code. It really needs to stop the auto update, let us decide when to update.
I’ve been having a dickens of a time with 0.44.11 with Xcode swiftui projects. It’s been very unreliable, constant “Generating…” stalls, overzealous code edits, if you don’t watch it like a hawk. Reverted to using 0.44.9 with much better reliability it seems but those two problems are always still there to some degree.
The composer and our latest version should be as quick as ever. So it’s interesting to me that you say it’s slower.
Regarding the linter errors, you can get linter extensions for Swift, which would mean the linter error step would still be useful as the AI could correct any linting errors before you flip over to Xcode.
I’m an Xcode user myself, so I’m interested in improving that experience too!
Install Swiftlint from the Extensions browser. You can define the rules in the .swiftlint.yaml.
I have to echo this composer does feel slow and sluggish. Especially when doing @ tagging files, I am typing faster than the file filter can keep up and I end up tagging the wrong file so I’m waiting for the filter to catch up before pressing enter.
Not to mention the frequent “Generating…” hangs mentioned in the other topics.