Tell CF: v45.14 - the most stable version I have found

Cursor Forum:

Listen, please.

Go here - look at all my posts. I have stated that I had not experienced any of the onslaught of issues on forum (I have been wuite active here, even with a brief reprieve…)

But back at it… the other day, I decided to “update cursor” (which the button didnt work anyway…

So while I was

I decided to up to 46.8 – and immediately I

So I went back to 45.14 and back to happiness…

Although I also experience the

compiling generating… occasionally, I found that THIS rea;;y helps:

If you find that youre often hitting “generating…”

Stop the bot… then tell it

give the response in multiple smaller chunks to avoid context limits

I did this on a prompt that I restarted MANY times…

Suddenly - it broke the full response into 8 sections.

It fed me a section, and I would copy and move it to the file (1500 line file)

and then say


and it happily complied.


if youre having issues, flap you login to cursor from the app whereby you logout… and turn it on login again, and this resolved a connection issue.

I provided feedback to @cursor, so give it a try and see if my exp wasnt just a placebo.

Feedback please.


Also, I appear to ONLY be able to post to “bug reports” not select…?

if rollback to 0.45.14 still can use claude3.7??