Terminal fails in Composer on Windows (PowerShell exit code 1)

The Composer terminal on Windows is failing with PowerShell exit code 1. I have to execute commands manually in a separate terminal instead.

Error details from dev tools:

The terminal process “C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe ‘-l’” terminated with exit code: 1
No shell integration found, falling back to default profile

System info:

  • OS: Windows
  • Using default PowerShell path

I’d appreciate any help troubleshooting this terminal integration issue. Let me know if you need additional details.

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What version of Cursor are you on?

I had to eventually uninstall, remove the cache and rules to resolve.

Unclear what caused it, path was fine and vs code was working fine.

My experience was that I could use the terminal without issue but every time I tried to accept the composer agent command it would create a bricked terminal session that couldn’t be closed or deleted. It was eventually chewing up memory and requiring reboot.

@datarm I have this problem as well.

I’d like to replicate your solution until Cursor team fix it.
Can you please elaborate on removing the cache and rules?

Having the SAME exact issue. This is as of a recent update. No idea what could have caused it.

I fixed it as follows:
I updated to powershell 7.4.6 and restarted Cursor.

I think my previous powershell version was lower than 7.

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Have a look at this solution

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thanks, my env windows 10 , powershell 5, i update powershell to >7 version ,then it’s look correct

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