The TAB feature is unstable

The previous ghost text returns in about 1 second, but now it takes a long time to wait, sometimes close to 10 seconds, more often the error log is printed on the console

When I opened the console and found an error, I wasn’t sure if it was a bug or a cursor configuration issue

Version: 0.40.1
VSCode Version: 1.91.1
Commit: 58b91712431381a1b75817cd3437cee35dddcb30
Date: 2024-08-24T02:52:24.035Z
Electron: 29.4.0
ElectronBuildId: undefined
Chromium: 122.0.6261.156
Node.js: 20.9.0
OS: Darwin arm64 23.2.0

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After perusing the documentation, I found this

Set Disable HTTP2 to true and the TAB feature is available again :laughing:

Processing: CleanShot 2024-08-28 at 17.11.41@2x.png…


Do you have pro?


Pro users are different breed🥹

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what’s the meaning? The tab function only works for pro users, and if you are a free user, it does not work even in the models custom api

thank you, help me fix the problem

Powered by a custom model, Cursor Tab can:

  • Suggest edits around your cursor, not just insertions of additional code.
  • Modify multiple lines at once.
  • Make suggestions based on your recent changes and linter errors.

Free users receive 2000 suggestions at no cost. Pro and Business plans receive unlimited suggestions.
I see that in docs cursor. And I met issue cursor tab required pro.