The window is not responding error

It started giving me errors frequently while using Cursor. “The window is not responding” This is the error I get. This did not happen in previous versions of Cursor.

I am using W11. Cursor and Windows must be up to date.

I used a memory cleaner to see if there was a RAM problem. The device has 16GB of RAM so there shouldn’t be a problem, am I right?

When I click somewhere, there are delays as if it were in Windows XP and the program freezes frequently. This is a situation that discourages continuing the membership.

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i have same problem

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i have same problem

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I followed the steps of one of my colleagues here on the cursor forum and his tip was to create a file that has all the instructions of what was done so far and then I changed the directory of my project, with that I lost all the chat history but I recovered the AI ​​context with the file making the AI ​​read everything and it worked for me.

can you explain to us how it is wrong