Too much issues with agent

I will start with:
1- editor itself keep shown the upgrade popup.
2- working with the agent and suddenly happen bad request and you lose that chat which you have all history of building and never back to generate anything (Need to Start again and again). This is the most frustrated thing.
I will keep you updated with what i will find.

NOTE: All these experiments is under that 500 fast request and I’m not happy.

connection failed try again…

Interesting I havent experience that, the only problem is the history seems to not be correct.
Maybe its important that we mention what OS we are using, because on my Windows machine I used the agent and have no problem on Mac my Cursor doesn’t want to update to latest version with agent.

Yes, i’m using it on windows 11 and 10 and still this bug randomly shows up. bad request and the agent never generate again.

Here is another bad request below.


Could you send a screenshot of the upgrade pop up when you get it? Shouldn’t have that if you’re on Pro and under your request usage limits.

Regarding the connection errors, if you could send a few request IDs like the one in your screenshot, we’ll dig in and see if there’s a pattern.

I still under the trial period and shouldn’t show up until I finish my 2 weeks or the 500 requests. I will try to catch it on screenshot asap.

I’ve tried several time reloading the editor and the popup is not showing up maybe they fixed it. I will keep you updated

I found the way how by pass the bad request and keep the agent working.
1- check for a change to reapply again and delete the message that made the bad request (just empty the content).
2- write a new prompt
3- submit and the agent will back to life again :slight_smile:



Agent has only just been released, and we are working hard to iron out any bugs and improve it’s stability - thanks for your reports.

I hope you face less issues in the future, as we improve the Agent feature!

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I’m proud of what you are doing and the Agent is getting better and better. :smiley: