Trying to install: Errors Followed by ...depends on the 'Python' extension, which is not loaded

Trying to install and run Cursor … but :

I am getting several pop-ups followed by the name of those extensions then with this same sentence … for example, see three errors below. I was thinking it was just a Cursor update, or GPT4 update since they are rolling out so many things lately. However I’ve checked back, and the error has persisted now for the past couple of weeks. VSCode all the extensions are current, and updated, I’ve also re-installed all these extensions too just for the heck of it, and ran the updates via CLI too just for the heck of it.

So what could I be missing? I must be missing something

silly or over or under-thinking this.

Cannot activate the ‘isort’ extension because it depends on the ‘Python’ extension, which is not loaded. Would you like to reload the window to load the extension?

Cannot activate the ‘autopep8’ extension because it depends on the ‘Python’ extension, which is not loaded. Would you like to reload the window to load the extension?

Cannot activate the ‘Pylint’ extension because it depends on the ‘Python’ extension, which is not loaded. Would you like to reload the window to load the extension?

“extension because it depends on the ‘Python’ extension, which is not loaded. Would you like to reload the window to load the extension?”

Could you uninstall and reinstall the Python extension? Does that fix the issue?

We’re about to release an upgrade that makes importing the Python extension a smoother process.


I’m going to try, but paradoxically many of the other extensions depend on that extension and prevent uninstalling it. I’ll see if I can disable separately all the extensions and then do the python reinstall and reply back.

“Cannot uninstall ‘Python’ extension. ‘autopep8’, ‘isort’ and other extensions depend on this.”

So I removed all the extensions (associated with Python extension), in both VSCode and via Cursor (was needed in both, as each was not mutually reflective of each other’s environment after the changes) So I made sure both were all uninstalled. Then reinstalled.

That seems to make it more stable at the moment. The program loads without any errors, and Cursor opens and I’m able to run through some codebase and chat against it, going to test a few more “Python syntax” things to see how it goes.

I look forward to the next update!