Describe the Bug
I have a few prompts already added in the “Rules for AI” section which is for a different codebase. Instead of replacing those prompts with the prompt for current codebase, I have created a .cursrorules file and enabled “Include .cursorrules file”.
However, it seems that the Cursor is unable to read the prompt from the .cursorrules file which is present in the current codebase directory.
Steps to Reproduce
When I add prompt instructions in .cursorrules file, the composer is not reading prompt instructions from .cursorrules file. Instead, it is taking prompt instructions from “Rules for AI” section. Prompt instructions in .cursorrules file must override instructions set by default in “Rules for AI” section.
Screenshots / Screen Recordings
Operating System
Current Cursor Version (Menu → About Cursor → Copy)
Version: 0.43.6
VSCode Version: 1.93.1
Commit: a846435528b4b760494a836f96f0739889253530
Additional Information
How do we ensure that Cursor is able to read instructions from .cursorrules file properly and override any instructions written in “Rules for AI” section?
Does this stop you from using Cursor
No - Cursor works, but with this issue