Unable to run Debugger (Python) - pressing button does nothing

Not sure if this is related to this issue too?:

Steps for reproducibility: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1RavPr_878

Followed this video exactly, i.e:

  1. ctrl+L, type >try a dev container, select the Python container
  2. Go into the debugger and press the Play button to launch the python flask server - you can see her successful run at 6:04, however when I press it nothing at all happens. No terminal output or errors.

Running the flask command manually on the terminal, by typing it out, I can launch the flask server. So this seems to be an issue with cursors debugger.

I just wanted to show that this works:

<sorry I can’t upload more than one picture due to really dumb policy>

But this does not work:

<sorry I can’t upload more than one picture due to really dumb policy>

(the pictures show selecting the debugger “Python Debugger: current file” and not “Python: current file”)

The python debugger appears from installing the “Python Debugger” extension.

Whatever one inside the regular “Python” extension does not work for me. I don’t even think there is one inside that extension despite what the introduction page says. For instance the folder inside C:/Users//.cursor/extensions corresponding to python.debugpy didn’t show up until I installed this python debugger extension in addition to the python extension.