I just auto-updated (clicked the icon in the lower-left).
Ran cursor from Terminal, creates a window as usual. However, now, when I move my mouse pointer to the edge of the window, there’s no reaction so I can’t grab and drag to resize the windows.
I can Alt-F8 and then resize, however this is less natural and convenient. Anyway this is a bug.
Hey, if you don’t run it from the terminal, does that allow it to be run? This could be some weirdness where the window manager doesn’t expect it to be resizable due to how it’s triggered?
What I deleted, was me asking if when you just resize with win+up, win+d, and again to toggle win+d and win+[arrow] to throw it around, does it respond?
Yeah, looks like I can manipulate the window in these ways.
The problem is that with the cursor window only - not with, e.g. Chrome windows or the terminal window - I don’t get tool-tips when I mouse over corners or edges of the window.
What is also different about the cursor window is that rather than as in all other windows (Chrome, Terminal etc), the x, - and square icons to close, minimize and maximize the window are in the top-left corner of the window rather than the top-right. This suggests to me that cursor is using a different window manager (if that is the correct term) than the other applications.
You can basically just tell cursor agent to manipulate your theme. (you may need to piddle about - but I previously was dorking around with it till I got my contrast to my liking.
After updating to the latest version, I can no longer use the application. Previously, on version 0.44.11, it was working fine.
In VS Code, the application works perfectly with Ozone, using:
Title Bar Style set to "custom"
Custom Title Bar visibility set to "auto"
On version 0.44.11 and earlier, the application was functional but displayed duplicate buttons (see screenshot below).
After updating to the latest version, the application crashes when maximizing, resizing the window doesn’t work anymore, several components seems to be bugged like text-area editors. The error when it crashes:
[97356:0216/005729.714990:ERROR:wayland_event_watcher.cc(43)] libwayland: xdg_wm_base@16: error 4: xdg_surface buffer (3806 x 2078) does not match the configured maximized state (3840 x 2112)
[1] 97356 trace trap cursor --no-sandbox --enable-features=UseOzonePlatform