User is unauthorized

looks like a new version got released, it updated itself and now every request is

Unauthorised request

User is unauthorized

ive tried logging in and out, no difference

Looks like this should be resolved now. If you’re still seeing it please DM me the request ID, or your account’s email and I can investigate.

1 Like

i am also getting same error

Hi, I’m getting the same error today. No VPN is being used, and it worked perfectly fine for the last couple of days.

Request ID: b438c532-4f39-4008-a8ba-a431285617cd

hi, i got the same error. please help

Please Help me

RequestID: 2718411e-2168-4652-9d6e-7efe0931b5f4

Hi, I’m getting the same error today.
Request ID: 04a944c5-dadc-4fa1-92d3-8f7d9a959741

I’m getting the same error today. No VPN is being used.
Request ID : fa47f9ac-79dd-4b43-831a-16e40fe60eb9

hi. I also encountered the same situation. Please help me solve it, thank you
User is unauthorized
Request ID: 65dc09ea-1286-46a2-b325-6e45dbcad3f9

I have faced the same problem, and I cannot use cursor anymore because this problem. Please help me solve it, thanks!
Request ID: 5935f66d-2dda-4e4c-ab2b-03ad595e201c

Request ID: 0b5071a7-b0c1-4a2e-8949-d5b2aa061b05
Please Help me

I have faced the same problem, and I cannot use cursor anymore because this problem. Please help me solve it, thanks!
Request ID: 5935f66d-2dda-4e4c-ab2b-03ad595e201c

I have faced the same problem, and I cannot use cursor anymore because this problem. Please help me solve it, thanks!
Request ID: b861a3c4-9c5d-423f-9d1e-35198e984518

me too, please fix this soon.

request id : a7d9f98d-6f3a-48d8-a546-d5222b38654d

Facing same issue.
Request Id: eaca1316-8b74-470b-9de6-199da57da5a8

Please help me

Request ID : 9e6e6b54-507f-4c49-b7f6-eb4dd2955bb5

ed31f6c2-9b0c-46bd-8db5-15051e52f411 same error

For anyone seeing this issue, there are three main causes for this error that you should rule out before posting here:

1. You are purchased your account from a 3rd party - most of these accounts are setup using stolen bank details, and we are now aggressively detecting and blocking these accounts. As such, accounts not purchased directly from Cursor will be blocked.

2. You are using a temporary email address - due to abuse coming from accounts setup with temporary email addresses, we are now blocking requests from accounts with a known temporary email address. Please use standard email address providers, such as, for your account.

3. Your clock is not synced correctly - to avoid any issues or attacks, we ensure the clock on your local machine is what we expect. You may seen an error if your clock is wrong on your machine.

4. You are using a VPN - again due to abuse, we are having to block certain VPN providers from accessing Cursor services. While we don’t believe VPNs are inherently bad, we have to enforce blocks on certain providers that are the source of high volumes of abuse, to ensure Cursor services are not distributed for normal users.

If none of the above apply, and you believe there is no reason for a block, please post a request ID below, and we will be happy to help! For the users above, I have direct messaged you each.



Hey, sorry about this, should all be working again now!