Vim mode: holding a key to repeat increases lag the longer Cursor is open

When in insert mode in vim, holding a key repeats as expected when Cursor is first opened. The longer Cursor is open, the more repeats lag. After holding for a second or two, and then releasing, repeating continues as if buffered.

I enabled “Vim mode” when I first started using Cursor, but I also had the Vim extension already running in VSCode, which was imported. I don’t see vim mode in the settings for Cursor, so I’m guessing it’s just the Vim extension? Anyway, that’s my setup.

I’ve only noticed this in the last few days, this was not the case for the two weeks prior during my trial. It’s very noticeable and brings a considerable amount of frustration.

Update: I disabled the vim extension and noticed this is happening without vim being in use at all, holding a key causes everything to pause and eventually update after a few seconds. Using an M2 Max MB Pro with nothing else running, it’s cool to the touch. So likely not a machine problem.

Just to put a point on this from a product feedback perspective, I’ve loved working with Cursor for the last two weeks, and I’m about to switch back to VSCode as this issue is getting progressively worse. I have to either shut down my local dev servers and restart Cursor every 30-60 minutes or just wait up to 5+ seconds every time I hold a key down.



So here’s what happened:

  • my free trial ran out
  • completions stopped working
  • I turned on my deactivated Supermaven as I wasn’t ready to pay for Cursor yet
  • this issue began immediately
  • today, I paid for cursor and turned Supermaven off
  • the issue resolved

I don’t know if this is a result of activating Supermaven or having Cursor in free mode. But that’s what fixed it.