What does the setting "Always keep composer in bound" mean?

I have been starting to use Composer and really like it.
Only I cannot find any info on the “Always keep composer in bound” setting.

What does do?



I am away from PC at the moment, but does it mean ‘always keep the Composer window docked/in the bottom panel”? Just throwing out a possibly incorrect answer in case it helps to find the correct answer faster.

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I have the same question. I don’t know what it means.

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Ah I figured it out!

When I toggle ‘Always keep composer in bound’ to ON, when I open up Composer in ‘float mode’, I cannot drag it off the screen.

That is cool (and the empty padding around the edge of the screen gives the feature a nice blocky ‘feel’), but I think there is still a bug where, if that feature is toggled OFF and you try and drag Composer to another screen it disappears - I documented that behaviour here:

PS I am still not sure what some of those other Composer settings mean :slight_smile: .

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Cheers @litecode - much obliged.