What is a good workflow for getting code from conception to implementation using just cursor?

Perhaps it’s a dumb question but is this one of the intended use cases for the editor? Lets say for example I want to create a login form in a react project and want to redux to manage the sate. What’s the optimal workflow using cursor to get that implemented taking advantage of the codebase wide indexing? Is it possible to use that to integrate a newly made component into an existing code base and how should I approach that? Hope that makes sense lol

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Hi Zerk

Here’s how I’d approach it:

  1. Create a new folder/project to work in (to avoid cross project leakage).

  2. Create an initial explainer01.txt file, this file should have high level descriptions of what your project is meant to do. E.g. create a login page for vendors to access stock taking app. Login page logic to be written in Language X, using backend system Y.

  3. Create subsequent explainer files (explainer02.txt, explainer03.txt) that go into further technical detail regarding what a part of the project does.
    These files should be a lot more specific with regards to what that part of that project must be able to do.
    For example, list the elements that should be available in your login form (username/email/customerid | password | create new profile | forgot your password).
    Do this extensively giving as much context as necessary.

  4. Create a new file & use command+ K to ask Cursor to code the capability in a explainer file. Reference the relevant explainer file with @[file name] such as @explainer02.txt for example.

  5. Use control+ L to ask got to browse through the files created in step 4 & point out any errors / improvements.

  6. Execute the project’s files in whatever project compiler you’re working with.

  7. If there are errors, copy them & use command + L to ask Cursor to resolve the errors for you.

The above should be done recursively until happiness with project is achieved.

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I should have done something similar to this. Thank you!

By the way, would you happen to know the Windows equivalent of command k? I would assume it’s ctrl k?

For me, it’s lots of Cmd-k :slight_smile:

Though want to make the editor better for this use case in the future

wow! i just did a lot of CMD+K and lots of questions, but your method would save me lots of fast queries :slight_smile:

With the new features in cursor, would someone like to comment on this thread how their workflow looks like? >> ‘What is a good workflow for getting code from conception to implementation using just cursor?’