What's a free and easy way to see your code preview?

Before I have been using cursor for coding iOS and my code has been updating live in Xcode and showing me a preview. Since I have moved on to coding websites but I find myself not knowing how to actually see the code previews.

Thanks for all answers!

Hey, this very much depends on which technology you are using when building your websites, but there are usually good options out there regardless of what you pick.

For vanilla websites using just HTML and JS there is an extension available in Cursor called Live Preview which will automatically refresh the website every time you make a code change.

For something more complex like a React app, there is equally options available to have this hot reload functionality that you are asking for.

The easiest answer is to actually ask the chat inside of Cursa how to enable hot reloading and it’ll guide you for your specific project.

Do let us know if you have any issues with this though :slight_smile: