YOLO with ask-once “always allow THIS command” option

Problem: it’s a little tedious to manually edit the YOLO allowlist for each approved command

Suggestion: add an “Always allow” checkbox next to the “allow” button for when the AI requests to run a command. When checked, it automatically adds it to the allowlist.

Have you tried doing this with the description?

i.e. say something like “ALL commands are allowed. No need to ask me, just execute the commands as you see fit

No liability on this advice :slight_smile:

That’s not quite what I’m looking for. I want to have composer suggest a command and I can say “okay once” or “okay (for this command now and in the future)”

That way I can say OK to, say “npm test” and never have it prompt me again, but it will ask if it comes up with a new command it wants to run.

Ah righto, I misunderstood your initial requests. Makes sense :slight_smile: