0.40.1 Version Cursor Tab is not available

After upgrading to version 0.40.1, the cursor tab is not available and log errors have been reported. Restarting cursor or restarting window still doesn’t work. How Do I downgrade to a previous version?


I have the same issue: Cursor Tab not working in 0.40.1 - #5 by flxxxxfl


Same here The TAB feature is unstable :sweat_smile:

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Same Problem

By the number of recent reports, it seems to be a more general problem, but was just thinking perhaps it might help the Cursor team troubleshoot if you add system info to your posts via:

Cursor > Help > About

And specify whether or not you are Pro users.

Logs from this location might also be helpful:

Cursor > Terminal and then select Window from the drop-down, or one of the Cursor-specific options like Cursor Tab.

same here, after upgrading to 0.40.1, tab auto completion stop working.

Can I downgrade to 0.39?

Modified in Shaun’s way, it worked https://forum.cursor.com/t/the-tab-feature-is-unstable/12825/2?u=sugar


thanks, it worked for me too.