44.11 Composer Agent constantly stalling / stuck on generating

Anyone else having issues with the composer agent constantly getting stuck on generating and stalling out? I’ve had to restart and reorient the agent numerous times today already and it’s happening even relatively shortly after starting a new session.

I’m finding lately that i’m spending more time re-educating the assistant on the project or fixing issues that were caused in the project due to the assistant not adhering to explicit development protocols (despite documenting these protocols clearly and constantly reminding), or freezing up mid operation requiring a full restart/reorient process, than actually getting any productive development work done.

The assistant, despite clear protocols and constant reminders, continues to make assumptions, tries to “create” files that already exist thereby overwriting, creates folders and files outside of the designated project root despite clear documentation and instructions re dir structure etc…

I’m finding it to be a process of 1 step forward 2 steps back daily and has almost gotten to the point of unusability for me…maybe i’m doing something wrong, but this is mind blowingly frustrating. (this is on premium with extra fast credits and latests update 44.11)

Describe the Bug

Composer agent is constantly stuck generating. happened about 15 times today so far. If it’s not stuck generating it throws Connection Failed. virtually impossible to get anything meaningful done.

Steps to Reproduce

Start a composer session…wait for it to get stuck on generating. happening more and more frequently and even in fresh composers.

Operating System

Macbook Pro Ventura 13.0.1

Current Cursor Version (Menu → About Cursor → Copy)

Version: 0.44.11

Additional Information

Composer gets stuck on generating regularly, even in new sessions with only a couple messages. Also repeatedly stopping with Connection Failed error.

Does this stop you from using Cursor

Cursor has become virtually unusable for me lately as a result of this due to spending more time trying to fix things and reorient the assistant than actually making any progress


Yes. I’ve reported it in several threads already, it’s been particularly bad lately. The devs said it had been solved, but clearly it has not. It’s the worst thing about Cursor right now.

Nothing more infuriating than getting “Generating…” in the middle of a refactor and then having to re-educate the next composer session with what you were in the middle of doing.


mine still works fine

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I just updated to 44.11 and am stuck on ‘generating’ for each request


And we’re back. Thank you team cursor! :heart_eyes:

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6 times for me today so far…

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I feel it, about 9-10 times for me.

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same - started last night.

Totally agree - having the same frustrating issue with 44.11. Had to downgrade to 44.10 to get work done. @anon-9002714 team, while we appreciate the frequent updates, stability should be the top priority for a dev tool. Please consider more thorough testing before pushing releases.


I have same issue now
it just not working
shows Generating text about 10 min long

Mine has gone to sleep for last 3 days and its so frustrating. To top it I am not a coder and was really thrilled to see the outputs it was providing initially. Now I am frustrated. IT also seems that I have run out of fast replies quota in just 4 days - maybe it could well be due to my foolishness. Pls help

Same here. Very frustrating indeed.
What I end up doing is taking a vertical, scrolling screenshot of the current chat and then starting a new chat, pasting the image in and saying “let’s continue our conversation” or similar. It works well, I suppose… but it shouldn’t be necessary.


I’d be interested in how you downgraded. I cannot get anything completed fully because of this.

Glad I’m not the only one. I reported it and got a message on my ticket that the issue was resolved (but clearly not).

I am currently experiencing this still as well. Seems like it may have to do with token resolution when leveraging Agent mode.

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Suggested enhancement: Next to the “Restore” button add a “Reference” button that will quote or include that point in the conversation and everything after it, into the context window.

That’d be a great enhancement instead of feeding it screenshots of your convo.

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ongoing problem for me. composer agent has completely frozen about 10 times today, often with relatively short conversations after opening a new compooser. this is rendering cursor borderline unusable for me as each time i have to re-educate and provide context, figure out at which point in the operation things froze etc. peek frustration atm…

now i’m finding it has started happening even with completely fresh composer sessions. just gets stuck on generating after first message in composer.

Composer has been borderline unusable. 2-3 hangs every hour for the past 8 hours.

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as if the composer generator hangs weren’t enough now i’m also getting the “Unable to reach Antrhopic” constantly. this is beyond frustrating…been trying to wrap up 2 small features for over a week now and have had to pretty much start from scratch so many times i’m about to lose my mind