Give us the option to toggle Cursor autoupdates = choosing to update manually instead.
(Based on the forum searches I made, stopping updates isn’t currently possible, thus this topic. After reading the horrors what other users are going through for the past few days, I’m too scared to even open Cursor.)
Yeah, that’s cool and all, but many people have been reporting that setting not working so… I do understand that currently it might be working due to we having two versions available to download from, doesn’t mean it’ll stay that way after the disaster goes back to normal. Would love to hear from a Cursor dev. Also not cool that this forum automatically chose a solution to this topic even though I (the topic starter) did not choose one.
Version 0.45.17 seems to have a new none setting for the updates. Let’s hope it works. Thanks to deanrie for this tip. Will mark as solved for now. Fingers crossed.