AI-Powered Rename Suggestions


I would like to request a feature similar to GitHub Copilot’s AI-Powered Rename Suggestions as described in this blog post. This feature would greatly enhance my coding workflow by providing intelligent rename suggestions for symbols in the IDE. (such as presented here )

Apologies if this feature already exists; I couldn’t find any information on it. I’ve tried using /edit, but it’s not as convenient as suggestion in the f2 menu for renaming.

Thank you!


Bump! This feature would be great. I often end up with too many poorly named variables in my projects (my own fault), but at having an AI that offers suggestions for good ones makes me more likely to come up with better ones as well.


We find them useful too! We will ship this.


two months later… bump

Just chat with your code “find a better name, that …”, and apply?

30 sec against 5 sec for one variable. And also around 10 sec to rename properly. It’s like saying why Cursor if you have chat GPT :slight_smile:


Would love to have this feature.

Please don’t forget about this :slight_smile:

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Hey devs, any chance we can have it soon? I am starting to miss this Copilot feature so hard…

@truell20 The only thing fall behind github copilot

@truell20 @shaoruu @ericzakariasson @danperks This should not hard to implement but very useful

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