Am I not supposed to use Tab when coding?

I really like Cursor, but at this point I’m actually considering changing to another solution simply because it’s insanely frustrating that Tab is default and can’t be rebound.

Am I missing something?
Am I not supposed to use tab when coding?

Right now I have it so that I’ve bound a key to enable and disable the copilot, but even then it’s still frustrating when I suddenly make a change rather than actually tab when it’s on.

Again, and I’m not being snarky - am I not supposed to use tab when programming? Because if so, how come Cursor decided that Tab is the accept key - and at the same time not include a way to modify it?

Finally, it feels kinda odd that I can’t change it in the first place - I’m running a whole ass different application instead of VSCode specifically for Cursor, am I to understand that even so it’s to hard to give the functionality of rebinding a key?

Again, not trying to be snarky - I’m genuinely not sure if missing something here, because I don’t get it.


I also find it a bit weird that I can’t tab in from the side of the editor, or to be more specific, I can if I wait for a certain amount of time (which I’m not sure yet exactly what it is) or alternatively do it very quickly! :sweat_smile: