Currently, if I’m hovering over an Intellisense suggestion, but there’s also a Copilot++ inline suggestion, pressing Tab prioritizes Copilot++ over Intellisense.
I’m used to using Tab with Intellisense and a different binding for copilot suggestions. I’ve been playing around with settings and keybindings but haven’t been able to resolve it.
Is it possible to change the keybinding for accepting Copilot++ suggestion from Tab to something else?
Not as of now I assume. There has been a feature request for this. I had the same problem and had to relearn using Tab for copilot++ and another keybinding for intellicence. Now it seems fine though, as I’m using copilot++ much more often than intellicence or other quick suggestions.
@amanrs is it functionally challenging to make them configurable because of the race condition?
From my perspective, it does add a level of friction. I’m coming over to Cursor from Webstorm/Pycharm. I used VS Code for years, but in the last year have preferred Jetbrains + Copilot over VS Code. Cursor definitely tips the scales back significantly but, as of now, I’m still using a combination of Cursor and Jetbrains. I imagine there’s a decent segment of Jetbrains users who might be looking at a similar transition because of the superior AI productivity features. The smoother you can make that transition, the better your shot at capturing a good chunk of users before Jetbrains potentially catches up.
Just my $0.02 because these are my two most often-used shortcuts.
Please make the Cursor Tab (formerly CoPilot++) accept action configurable. Just went through these frustrating steps:
I am experimenting with Cursor from a bespoke NeoVim setup. I want to use Alt+End (I use an unusual keyboard layout), not Tab, to accept Cursor Tab suggestions.
I search “Tab” in the Keyboard Shortcuts menu. There are 10 different commands bound to “Tab” in different contexts. There are a zillion commands in this menu as a whole. Great! Looks like everything is configurable. Surely Cursor’s flagship feature has a configurable keybinding since everything else does? One of these ten tab bindings must mean “accept Copilot++” suggestion (perhaps Accept Inline Edit)?
I create a new mapping for each of the 10 commands to my desired keybinding of Alt+End. Now every command mapped to “Tab” is also mapped to Alt+End
Pressing Alt+End when Cursor Tab presents a suggestion still does nothing.
This is so frustrating. I am unnecessarily occupying your mail support channels with this topic. And i had to add TabNine back into the mix, just so that i can use the keyboard shortcut that i’m used to from many other applications. For example from MS Office, Google Docs, my Terminal, …
But I specifically chose to pay for Cursor Tab / Copilot++, NOT tabnine.
Another vote on this! I truly hate the tab key binding. I use tab to navigate through my code while i work.
Cursor copilot++ suggestions are subtle, and most often off the screen to the right, so it is very easy to accidentally accept additions and, much worse, deletions to my code while i navigate.
I want suggestion accept to be tied to a key pattern i don’t normally use, not one of the most common. It would be so easy to make cursor++ accept shift-tab or something!
And while we’re improving this system, make suggestions in the main screen by default, not offscreen, where we have to accept and undo, just to see.
I personally would prefer the diff view, most of the time. Give me a shortcut for that too please!
+1 on this.
Please, please, please make the Cursor Tab accept keybinding configurable.
It makes writing/navigating code a pain with cursor tab enabled, forcing me to disable it even though I would love to use it with a different keybinding.
I also had to disable Cursor Tab due to it overriding other commands that rely on tab (e.g. intellisense, indentation), but I’d like to assign it to another shortcut (e.g. cmd+tab).