Any using this with Unity?

When applying changes it does not do automatically gotta do it manually. I assume its confused by unity files.

Can anyone answer this question? I’m looking for someone to answer because I have the same question. If anyone has solution, please tag me. Thanks a lot.

join my unity AI discord… we can talk about our specific unity stuff there

If you’ll setup the unity for vscode and install into cursor app all needed extensions, will it does work?

you just point the cursor ai to the unity folder and ask quesitons… then i use VS2022 for debugging. so sadly I have to open 2 IDEs

I’ve tried it right now and it works for me.

  1. Setup simple usual vscode on your pc
  2. Setup vscode for work with unity (you have to use unity 2021+)
    2.1 Unity->preferencies->external editor → vscode and click flags for create project files for all projects (player, embedded, etc)
    2.2 In vscode (and in cursor too!) install all needed ext for unity (Unity extension, Unity debugger, C#, C# Dev kit )
  3. Open your cursor and open unity project folder. Wait until cursor initialized all C# projects.


Does double-clicking the error in the console redirect you to the error works or it will just open it in the VScode?

Oh, no, that’s don’t work of course. It’ll just open in VSCode.
For cursor there is need to create (or just modify) new plugin as vscode did.유니티-사용해보기-u4psv5r6

use this one.
if not working, please report your system info(os, version etc…) I will fix.
tested on windows11


what exactly does this do ?

Changed the vscode unity plugin to work with cursor.
so it works like vscode for cursor

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do you have mac version for this?

oh i use vs2022

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on my mac m1 it working

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you can’t debug with cursor right? (unity)

-a $(ProjectPath) -g $(File):$(Line):$(Column)

join my discord to discuss unity + cursor AI

I’m struggling to get code intellisense and debugging to work (MacOS M1). Extensions are installed and Cursor is selected as external too for Unity. The AI chat works. Scripts open when I click in the Unity Editor. But no code-completion/API lookup. Did anyone succeed with this?

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