Can you now start projects in Cursor with composer?

I normally start in plain Claude and once I get something working I move to Cursor.

Can I now start in composer and keep working in there? OR use Chat ? (What is difference between chat and composer besides one can make files? )

Edit: though for .NET I create a template first since it can’t seem to create a .NET project from scratch

Sure, just open a blank file and hit cmd K and ask for what you want. GPTomini and the Cursor LLM’s are great for this and cheap.

Hi @punkouter23 ,

You might want to check out the Composer feature (Ctrl + I).

It has multi-file create and edit functionality.

The post below provides a simple example of what it can do.

The UI of it has changed a little since that post was create.

But the functionality is still essentially the same.

Seems to not work with core which has some boiler plate… so now ill try createing the boilerplater first and then ask it to do the work

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Of course. Just tell it what you want

it seems to ignore my boilerplate in composer… im going to try again