Change Ctrl+l to Ctrl+i - Control L is for Clear terminal

I would suggest to change the default behavior of using Ctr L for the chat for Ctrl i , and return control L to be the clear of the terminal


Agreed. This ends up being quite frustrating on the terminal experience!

For folks looking to just have Ctrl+L work in their terminal as usual (clear terminal), while retaining Ctrl+L as the shortcut to open the chat window while editing code, you can add the following to your Keyboard Shortcuts (JSON) settings:

        "key": "ctrl+l",
        "command": "aichat.newchataction",
        "when": "!terminalFocus"
        "key": "ctrl+l",
        "command": "-aichat.newchataction"

@admins - do you think the above change (disabling ctrl+l for terminal by default, while letting it operate on other windows like the editor) can be integrated into cursor by default? It is a simple enough change, and should help most users I believe.

Similar issues:

this didn’t work for me on Mac :frowning:

Awesome! Worked as a charm for me in Ubuntu 22.04.

This worked for me which is slightly modified version of rsnk96’s

        "key": "ctrl+l",
        "command": "aichat.newchataction",
        "when": "!terminalFocus"
        "key": "ctrl+l",
        "command": "-aichat.newchataction"
        "key": "ctrl+l",
        "command": "workbench.action.terminal.selectCurrentLine",
        "when": "terminalFocus"