e.g my mcp server runs with uv command. when i use just uv the tools disappear from the mcp server config screen after 10sec. when i used full path to uv in command /home/sss/.local/bin/uv --directory it works. i see in logs
[MCPService] Available tools: (105) ['get_credential_types'
when i try to use it in cursor, it comes up with
You're right - the tools are indeed available in my function list. Let me try again to check the credential types. ```
*when i look in logs*
workbench.desktop.main.js:1412 [MCPService] No server found with tool get_credential_types
console.error @ workbench.desktop.main.js:1412
callTool @ workbench.desktop.main.js:1015
await in callTool