ChatGPT Plugin Compatibility

Has anyone managed to get the ChatGPT VSCode extension to work with cursor?

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nope - but please post a solution … switching between apps is not great, I hope cursor fixes some significant problems, adds agentic deep thought etc, it seems like they are falling behind in the race… The composer keeps deleting and making mistakes if code is more than 1500 lines, I feel like we are in beta. but vscode and this chatgpt just works!

github copilot (vs code plugin) already has chatgpt 4o and claude sonnet available for use.

Anyone ever figure out a solution here?

I’m sorry to say I’m just about done - I’ve really enjoyed Cursor for the most part, but I have to restart the host basically once every 30 minutes now unless I literally just run a single SSH extension. No chance the chatGpt one would work. And that’s three computers, multiple reinstalls, different profiles, bifurcating …

anyway … yeah off to vscode (or maybe aide) with a local model, might as well run r1 myself since it’s giving me better luck than Sonnet these days - and o3 mini so far has absolutely blown my mind with how bad it is. Thing talks itself out of getting things right like every time, ends up executing something totally opposite and I have to roll back

maybe openai is saving the juice for the $200 crowd

anyway - long way of saying, anyone fix this?