I’ve spent 3 hours on a web app today, around 150 credits and I’m going to have to restore from git to a working version that I started with initially.
I’m using a cursorrules file that has quite strict instructions about not changing files that are nothing to do with what we are discussing and it still changes other files and wants to create files we don’t need.
It’s like composer is just ignoring the cursorrules file.
When on a new session, I use a changelog.md to refresh it on what we’ve done so far and it seems to just ignore all that too and completely breaks functionality that we already have working e.g. openai api calls.
Another example, composer was going to create another file with an extra ‘r’ in the name, when we already have the file it needed to change. e.g. analyze-actions.ts and composer wanted to create analyzer-actions.ts
I told it to check the codebase as the file exists, composer then said oh yeah sorry i’ll use that file. And then in a subsequent prompt it does the same again and wants to create another file that doesn’t exist that we don’t need for the app to work. Its madness.
I’ve no idea what has changed. Whether it’s Claude or Cursor, but I’m finding it just unusable at the moment and a complete waste of my time.
I think I need to find an alternative for the sake of my sanity.