Composer No Longer Editing Files

Today, for some reason, Composer has stopped applying changes to files and is not creating files at all.

In the past, if this starts to happen, simply closing and reopening the program fixed this.

Today, it refuses to apply changes or updates to files at all.

After being down for most of the day, it is suddenly working again.

And now it’s not again. Seems extremely intermittent.


Thank you.

Also encountered this today after an extended session using the composer, restarting cursor fixed the problem.

Not getting it to FIX itself by restarting. Been stuck yesterday and today. It is not editing. Any information on the progress would be great

Im seeing same issues. Before I had this problem intermittently in Chat mode, I switched to Composer ~1 week ago and was blown away that it worked perfectly.

In the last few days, something changed and it doesn’t modify the files anymore, or does only SOME of the changes. I find myself copy/pasting code 80-90% of the time now.

Restart sometimes fixes the issue, but not always, and not permanently.

Same behavior while using own API keys for OpenAI (o1-preview or mini) or Anthropic (sonnet 3.5).

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Same here, you are not alone:

Same for me. Composer is not updating files. I also noticed it is only making minor incomplete suggestions compared to how it has been working for me for the last couple weeks.