Composer not applying updates to files

I’m struggling with Cursor these days and wondering if folks are noticing the same issue. Not sure if there was a UX change or a bug. But if Composer writes new code, it seems to just stub out an empty page in the codebase, but it doesn’t actually apply the code to the file unless I manually “reapply” what’s in the Composer window.

Previously, when you would have changes to look at, the code would show in a diff view on the file itself, and you could save all to see how it compiles, and then hit Accept all if that’s what you want. Now, it doesn’t seem to be doing anything and I can manually apply code but I’m worried something is very broken and I’m just wasting my time.

I just checked and everything works for me. Did you try doing this in another project?

Hmm, i haven’t tried a different project, however I just moved Composer to the side pane, and it seems to now show the pages with code. It actually automatically opened up the new pages in the main section with the diff view showing. SO i’m thinking this might be a bug related to the old display of Composer.

Do you have Composer in side pane by chance?

I just tested it, and it works for me in both modes.