Composer not work and delete all code

please fix the error bu hataları çözemiyorum cursoru silip yüklememe rağmen hatalar düzelmiyor

is this in normal or agent mode?

agent mod, Also, I cannot move the window with the cursor at the right points of the chat. When I delete the application and reinstall it, the code section in the chat window continues without any installation. I encounter the same problem in different versions.

and composer answer :
def check_and_update_stop_loss(self, symbol: str, position: Dict, trend_strength: float):
“”“Stop loss seviyesini kontrol eder ve günceller”“”
current_price = float(position[‘markPrice’])
side = position[‘side’]
contracts = float(position[‘contracts’])
entry_price = float(position[‘entryPrice’])

    # Mevcut stop loss emirlerini kontrol et
    open_orders =
    sl_orders = [o for o in open_orders if o['type'] == 'STOP_MARKET']  # sl_orders tanımlandı
    needs_update = False  # needs_update tanımlandı
    for sl_order in sl_orders:
        sl_price = float(sl_order['stopPrice'])
        levels = self.calculate_dynamic_levels(symbol, side, current_price)  # levels tanımlandı
        new_sl = float(levels['stop_loss'])
        sl_diff = abs(sl_price - new_sl) / current_price
        if sl_diff > 0.02:  # %2'den fazla fark varsa
            needs_update = True
            print(f"⚠️ Stop Loss güncellemesi gerekiyor (Fark: {sl_diff:.2%})")
    if needs_update:


hey help please !!