Composer stops writing files

Ok this kinda worked:

  1. ask the same question in sidebar
  2. copy the full response
  3. paste it in composer
  4. after it replies with a question - ask it to create the files

note weird formatting on filename in the reply

the underlying issue here is that this probably used up about 5-10 of my fast requests as I have no way of disabling fast requests for testing like this.

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Ya, having the same issue!

No matter what i do it wont create the files, just repeats the content of the files in the message.


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No issues with file creation sofar since i upgraded last night to 0.39.5.
Mainly using claude.
4o-mini cant create new files - and now knows and tells you.
If it returns will post more details

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I’ve been getting hit by this bug occasionally, and even if I reset composer it keeps doing it.

What sometimes works for me is to create a new composer window, and then ask him to do this:

create a file called at root, add this content "ok"

If it writes the file, I continue with the session.
If it doesn’t, I create a new composer window.