Composer stuck at "Generating ..." but no output

A couple of days ago, after a long day of working with Cursor, Composer suddenly stopped responding. It was stuck at “Generating …” but I never got any output. I cancelled and retried several times. I changed LLMs since I saw that Claude was down. Same result (or lack of result).

I found a Forum post about uninstalling, deleting some config folders, then reinstalling. I did that yesterday and it worked great all day (although any chat/composer history was, of course, gone).

This morning, the issue is back. I typed in a prompt to Composer to continue our project and it just says, “Generating …” with no output.

I DO NOT want to have to uninstall, delete config files, reinstall every day just to use it. There has to be a better solution.

I reviewed previous posts but solutions don’t apply. I have no extensions. I did open VS Code and uninstalled Cody. I also opened a new Composer window and that brought it back to life.

Seems like this is a bigger issue in Cursor or VSCode.

Despite other posts and my (seeming) ability with a new Composer window, I’m posting so devs can revisit this issue.


Hey, try creating a new Composer, it should fix the issue.