Conda environment lost when launching


I keep a local conda env in my workspace folder. I typically activate it in terminal outside of vscode, then launch vsocde so it’s populated with that particular environment.

For example.

I’ll, open terminal, cd to workspace, conda activate ./venv, code .

When I do this all my packages from conda-forge (npm, react-dev-tools, ect) are all available and my launch.json works just fine.

With Cursor none of my environment seems to be persist when the app launches. For example, when I run my main launch config with cursor I get an error message saying node can’t be found.

For now I’m running vscode still to be able to launch and using cursor for coding.

I also tried mucking about with extending the environment variables manually. I got npm finally to run but it dies with, Process exited with code 254

Thanks for your time.

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