I have been thinking that it would be handy if the error messages produced by the linter that is relevant to the code that Cursor chat has suggested, is immediately fed to the chat, so that it can debug it’s code.
At the moment this is what I do frequently for any complex code, so it would cut down on a bit of time.
I see an update on the changelog but Cursor won’t update.
If the update is very new, it might not have rolled out to you yet. We do staged rollouts, which means we release new updates to a few randomly selected users first before releasing them to everyone. Typically, reaching all users takes around 5 hours from the first user. For larger updates, it can take longer.
Yes, that is ‘expected behaviour’, if you look in the Terminal area, click on the Output tab, and then select Window, and try that command palette action, it will log something like “can’t install as update hasn’t been downloaded”. When it becomes available, the command palette action makes the update happen almost instantly.