Cursor and Cluade API Key

I have a Claude Pro account and I want to take the API and paste it into the settings of Cersor. I tried generate API key through the Anthropics website, but it’s not compatible with cursor. he want api key start with “cloude-” but my api key start with “sk-ant-api03”

I can confirm that my Claude/Anthropic key(s) also start with “sk-ant-api03” and not the “claude-” that the UI says it expects. However, I can confirm that mine work. I’m usually using my Claude Pro subscription instead but sometimes I switch back to the APIs. Just tested with the latest Cursor version 0.41.3 on macOS.

I got this error message

{“type”:“error”,“error”:{“type”:“invalid_request_error”,“message”:“Your credit balance is too low to access the Anthropic API. Please go to Plans & Billing to upgrade or purchase credits.”}}

i need buy credits or upgrade different plan for use Anthropic API , it’s not include with claude pro ?

That’s correct, @LiranYzhak. Per Anthropic’s docs, “Claude Pro and the Anthropic API Console are separate products,” and you’d have to sign up and pay for them separately.

It’s not make sense , i cancelled my pro account on claude and upgrade cursor account to pro

Yes, Cursor Pro is a great value and a good way to cut down on other AI subscriptions if desired.