I have already paid for access to Claude and have my own API key for access to it. Is there a way to use my own API key with free Cursor? Or is the only option to use paid Cursor’s API access to Claude?
Found this question via Google
Was troubleshooting something else, but anywho:
Yes you can. Instructions are for a Mac, but Windows shouldn’t be too far off:
- Open Cursor (in Menu Bar) > Settings > Cursor Settings > Models
- Scroll down to Anthropic API Key
- Add your API key
- Click “Verify”
- Check for any errors
- If you get an error, expand the little “Show error message” UI element that pops up just above the API key input field
- Check what the error is (probably no prepaid credit)
- Resolve that via Anthropic Console
- Verify again
- Make sure the toggle is green
- Adjust which models you want to use above (on the same page)
- You’re good to go
Instructions for ChatGPT are identical.
But can you use “Apply from Chat” functionality on the Free plan, even if you are using your own API key?
Unfortunately, no