So I decided to try cursor. I’ve been using IntelliJ with emacs keybindings for a long time.
I chose to use the emacs keybindings during installation. Unfortunately, the cursor keybindings mask out standard emacs keybindings if you choose this.
For example, ctrl-k in emacs always kills a line in the editor. But I guess if we install cursor, it thinks you really want ctrl+k to bring up the composer window.
There are many, many other conflicts like this. Some are just vscode keymap issues and some are cursor keymap issues.
I’m going through all the conflicts changing the key mappings that cursor comandeered , but this is time consuming. Is there a better way? Is it possible for the cursor install to be more considerate to chosen keymaps at install time?
I’ll post my keybindings.json once I’ve finished fixing enough of the problems to make cursor usable.
Coming from IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate with Emacs keybindings, this guide aims to configure Cursor with similar functionality. The goal is to preserve familiar keybindings while addressing Cursor’s default overrides.
Use Cursor with Emacs keybindings
Maintain IntelliJ-like functionality (e.g., ctrl+q for quick documentation/hover)
Fix problematic keymappings that Cursor introduces on top of VSCode and the Awesome Emacs keymap (e.g., ctrl+k is reserved for deleting text from the cursor to the end of the line (kill-line) )
Configuration Location
To use these keybindings, just copy the download this keybindings file from github and copy it to the cursor location. On linux, this is in ~/.config/Cursor/User/keybindings.json
Keybinding Categories
Window Management
ctrl+x 8
Split window horizontal (matches IntelliJ)
ctrl+x 9
Split window vertical (matches IntelliJ)
ctrl+x ctrl+o
Go to file (similar to IntelliJ view->recent files)
Add selection to next find match (multi-cursor)
Add selection to previous find match (multi-cursor)
Find references to symbol at cursor
Go to next search result in editor
Go to previous search result in editor
Expand selection
Shrink selection
Expand line selection Out of the box, VScode will map this to ctrl-p It seems the Awesome Emacs Keymap hides this when it maps it to move cursor to previous line. This action is closer to what IntelliJ does with ctrl+alt+w in some cases. Apparently, there is no shrink line selection
Move line down (vscode is very close to Intellij but Intellij is smarter about moving to code blocks that make sense)
Move line up
Select previous tab
Select next tab
Navigate to definition
Navigate back
Navigate forward
ctrl+c ctrl+c
Comment line
Show hover (similar to IntelliJ quick documentation)
Rename symbol
Format document (matches IntelliJ reformat)
Format line
Copy line down
Refactor menu
Toggle terminal
Cursor-Specific Actions
All Cursor actions are mapped under the alt+k chord to avoid conflicts:
alt+k k
Generate code (opens in-editor window)
alt+k c or ctrl+i
Open cursor composer in side window
alt+k i or ctrl+shift+i
Open cursor composer in big window
alt+k alt+l
Show chat history window
alt+k l
Open/new chat window
alt+k y
Copy selection to chat window
Additional VSCode/IntelliJ Shortcuts
alt+g n
Go to next problem
alt+g p
Go to previous problem
Ubuntu Notes
To disable Ubuntu’s emoji picker on ctrl+., run:
gsettings set org.freedesktop.ibus.panel.emoji hotkey "[]"
Known Issues
Emacs controls don’t work in cursor composer:
Basic navigation (ctrl+n, ctrl+p, ctrl+a) fails
Forces use of arrow keys
ctrl+a uses Windows convention (select all)
Problematic bindings:
vscode/cursor has No action for navigate to next/prev method (alt+n,alt+p)
insert selection into chat doesn’t recognize Emacs kill ring
Tab key will always be different between Cursor and IntelliJ.
Removed/hidden keybindings:
alt+l (Transform to lowercase) from Awesome Emacs keymap
I still cant’ get ctrl-k to work when in the chat window. It just moves focus from the chat to the “+ add context” button above. Seems to behave like VIM bindings (move up).
2024-10-30 19:47:16.601 [info] [KeybindingService]: | Resolving ctrl+[KeyK]
2024-10-30 19:47:16.601 [info] [KeybindingService]: \ From 2 keybinding entries, no when clauses matched the context.
I even tried adding the following keybinding but it still does the same thing.
But it just moves the cursor up. Cut/Yank also do not work as they should. I can’t seem to figure out what context to put for the “when” for chat but based on Ctrl-k not working with context true I’m not hopeful.
Also the undo is wildly annoying. Composer seems to get into the undo chain and instead of reverting changes to file it will reopen composer and start undoing chats.
I’m assuming that the Cursor windows like composer and chat just don’t honor the keybindings.json file at all. The changes I did were basically only tested in the normal code editing windows. It would be interesting to hear from someone at Cursor regarding the product roadmap here.
It seems a recent cursor update again assumes everyone on linux wants to use ctrl+k for the cursor popup window, even when using emacs keymaps. I fixed this in my keybindings.json file on github.
I found this thread after trying to make ^N move the cursor down a line instead of launching a new chat. Claude was very helpful, and we tried a lot of things in keybindings.json, but it appears that the Chat window does not use that file, or overrides it. This is hard for me because ^N is in my hands so that very frequently I blow away my input for a fresh empty chat input field. THANKFULLY, one can go back to the chat in the history and type cmd-Z to get the type-in back. THANKS FOR THAT, but please let us customize! I want to click on ‘+’ for a new chat and don’t need any key for that (but also cmd-opt-N would make sense on a Mac).