Cursor Crashes frequently with message "Cannot reconnect, please reconnect the window"

more logs

2024-10-29 10:41:29.100 [error] Activating extension ms-vscode-remote.remote-wsl failed due to an error:
2024-10-29 10:41:29.100 [error] c:\Users\ROHAN\.cursor\extensions\ms-vscode-remote.remote-wsl-0.81.8\dist\node\extension.js:3

SyntaxError: Unexpected token '}'
	at new Script (node:vm:116:7)
	at c._compile (c:\Users\ROHAN\AppData\Local\Programs\cursor\resources\app\out\bootstrap-fork.js:2:1131)
	at Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1432:10)
	at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1215:32)
	at Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1031:12)
	at c._load (node:electron/js2c/node_init:2:13801)
	at P._load (c:\Users\ROHAN\AppData\Local\Programs\cursor\resources\app\out\vs\workbench\api\node\extensionHostProcess.js:193:6054)
	at l._load (c:\Users\ROHAN\AppData\Local\Programs\cursor\resources\app\out\vs\workbench\api\node\extensionHostProcess.js:190:32147)
	at c._load (c:\Users\ROHAN\AppData\Local\Programs\cursor\resources\app\out\vs\workbench\api\node\extensionHostProcess.js:155:34320)
	at Module.require (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1240:19)
	at require (node:internal/modules/helpers:179:18)
	at i (c:\Users\ROHAN\AppData\Local\Programs\cursor\resources\app\out\bootstrap-fork.js:3:98)
	at h.yb (c:\Users\ROHAN\AppData\Local\Programs\cursor\resources\app\out\vs\workbench\api\node\extensionHostProcess.js:190:33348)
	at async Promise.all (index 0)

Hi @lambrohan

Try turning off the ms-vscode-remote.remote-wsl extension.

Hi @deanrie sorry but my project is in WSL

tried with a non WSL project and getting this very often

main logs

2024-10-29 19:31:07.064 [info] update#setState disabled
2024-10-29 19:31:07.065 [info] update#ctor - updates are disabled as there is no update URL
2024-10-29 19:31:07.086 [error] [storage state.vscdb] error checking size of workbench.panel.aichat.view.aichat.chatdata: Error: Unexpected number of rows - 0
2024-10-29 19:31:07.086 [error] [storage state.vscdb] error checking size of src.vs.platform.reactivestorage.browser.reactiveStorageServiceImpl.persistentStorage.workspaceUser: Error: Unexpected number of rows - 0
2024-10-29 19:31:07.086 [error] [storage state.vscdb] error checking size of composer.composerData: Error: Unexpected number of rows - 0
2024-10-29 19:36:30.765 [info] Extension host with pid 26884 exited with code: 18446744073709552000, signal: unknown.
2024-10-29 19:36:30.767 [error] [UtilityProcess id: 1, type: extensionHost, pid: 26884]: crashed with code -1 and reason 'crashed'
2024-10-29 19:36:30.769 [error] [UtilityProcess type: shared-process, pid: 26340]: crashed with code -1 and reason 'crashed'
2024-10-29 19:36:30.770 [error] ptyHost terminated unexpectedly with code 18446744073709552000
2024-10-29 19:36:30.771 [error] [UtilityProcessWorker]: terminated unexpectedly with code 18446744073709552000, signal: unknown
2024-10-29 19:36:30.772 [error] [UtilityProcess id: 1, type: fileWatcher, pid: 20136]: crashed with code -1 and reason 'crashed'
2024-10-29 19:37:28.758 [info] Extension host with pid 16956 exited with code: 18446744073709552000, signal: unknown.
2024-10-29 19:37:28.759 [error] [UtilityProcess id: 2, type: extensionHost, pid: 16956]: crashed with code -1 and reason 'crashed'
2024-10-29 19:37:28.759 [error] [UtilityProcessWorker]: terminated unexpectedly with code 18446744073709552000, signal: unknown
2024-10-29 19:37:28.759 [error] [UtilityProcess id: 1, type: fileWatcher, pid: 9320]: crashed with code -1 and reason 'crashed'
2024-10-29 19:37:28.760 [error] ptyHost terminated unexpectedly with code 18446744073709552000
2024-10-29 19:39:10.342 [error] ptyHost terminated unexpectedly with code 18446744073709552000
2024-10-29 19:39:10.345 [info] Extension host with pid 24884 exited with code: 18446744073709552000, signal: unknown.
2024-10-29 19:39:10.345 [error] [UtilityProcess id: 3, type: extensionHost, pid: 24884]: crashed with code -1 and reason 'crashed'
2024-10-29 19:39:10.346 [error] [UtilityProcessWorker]: terminated unexpectedly with code 18446744073709552000, signal: unknown
2024-10-29 19:39:10.347 [error] [UtilityProcess id: 1, type: fileWatcher, pid: 24428]: crashed with code -1 and reason 'crashed'
2024-10-29 19:40:00.404 [error] ptyHost terminated unexpectedly with code 18446744073709552000
2024-10-29 19:40:00.407 [error] [UtilityProcessWorker]: terminated unexpectedly with code 18446744073709552000, signal: unknown
2024-10-29 19:40:00.407 [error] [UtilityProcess id: 1, type: fileWatcher, pid: 25120]: crashed with code -1 and reason 'crashed'

Try clearing the cache using this guide:

If it doesn’t help, try starting in --disable-extensions mode.

If that doesn’t work either, try reinstalling Cursor using this guide:

Ok tried everything, even fresh install with --disable-extensions didn’t work and it’s still crashing

Have you made sure to complete all the steps for uninstalling Cursor? You’ll need to manually delete two folders and try clearing the cache as well.

In this context, your folders should be named “Cursor” instead of “Code.”

yep, removed both and also .cursor-server from wsl an tried again. its so weird issue

Is Cursor not working at all, even with extensions disabled?

it was crashing very frequently each 5 mins , not sure what was wrong but I reset my Windows 11 and its working well now.