Cursor crashes when loading older messages

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Every time I tried to load older messages, I get this error message
The window terminated unexpectedly (reason: ‘crashed’, code: ‘5’)

To reproduce the bug, you must have had a very high usage of cursor that would warrant you open a new window. The you come back to the old window and try to load older messages.

Mac Version: 0.46.8

I’m unable to reference older messages. Hard to proceed with Cursor

Hey, based on complaints from other users, it’s suspected that this error occurs due to chat storage overflow. To fix this, you need to completely reinstall Cursor. If you need all your chat history, you can try saving it in Markdown format using this extension. I hope this helps.

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To completely reinstall cursor, I must first uninstall. Is this safe? I have lots of Notepads.

Issue is resolved.

cool, could you share what worked for you to fix the issue?

SpecStory (Cursor Extension)

@Signal did you resolve this after re-installing, or just installing SpecStory in the older installation?