Cursor freezes after you submit prompt for like 5 minutes or the application crashes

There is this new bug where when you submit a prompt the whole app just freezes and get real laggy and stays like that for like 5 mins before it starts generating the code and also cursor is always forcing updates on people i tried to downgrade to the previous version i was using which was working perfectly fine but as i close the application and reopen it cursor automatically installs the update not nice

What model are you using btw? Also does this happen for new chats too?

Could you open up the developer tools (with the Developer: Toggle Developer Tools command) and check if there are any errors in the console when this happens? This will help us track down what’s causing the freezing

For the auto-updates - yeah that’s intentional to keep everyone on the latest version, but I get that it can be frustrating if you’re having issues. The freezing definitely isn’t normal though, so let’s figure out what’s going on there first

Its working now after u rolled the last update i suppose

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calude 3.5 sonnet it was fixed but its back now with 0.45.15 and the 0.46.16
dunno whats up