Cursor interfering with Raycast Snippet Expansion

I am using Raycast on MacOS to dynamically expand snippets and Cursor is interfering with the insertion of Snippets. Sometimes it partially inserts the snippet, sometimes it doesn’t insert anything, and sometimes it works fine.

I have already turned off Cursor Tab, but still can’t insert snippets this way. In VS Code it works flawlessly, so definitely related to Cursor. Here is a video that shows a few examples of what is happening: Cursor interfering with snippet expansion from Raycast | Loom

I would be surprised if this is specifically related to Raycast and think it is rather something that is happening with dynamic inserts. Has anyone experienced this? Is there a way to fix this with Cursor settings, or could this be a bug?

Appreciate any help/input…

Hey Hans,

Unfortunately, we aren’t able to support or investigate 3rd party extension issues right now. However, especially if you have Cursor Tab disabled, I’m not aware of any deviations from VSCode that may cause this issue.

It’s possible that Raycast needs to add support for it themselves, as they may not correctly detect Cursor’s window and therefore not apply changes correctly - although this is just a guess.

If anyone finds a fix, be sure to post it here!

Hi Dan,

Thanks so much for your feedback. Given that you aren’t aware of any deviations to VSCode in that regard, I did some more extensive testing and was able to reproduce this in VSCode as well. It happens less frequently, which may be due to less overhead without an active AI assistant.

In any case, I found settings in Raycast that control the response time when detecting a shortcut and can also delay snippet insertion. Increasing these produces much more reliably results with the snippets.

I apologize for falsely assuming this to be a cursor issue and appreciate your response. Hopefully this may help others coming across similar issues with snippets.