Cursor Not Generating Code, Not Answering Chat

Any time I prompt Cursor, it just shows me “…” and an option for “cancel generation”.

When I prompt directly from the code file (command+k) I see something similar - just dots and a cancel option.

This is the same no matter what model I use.

I am using the latest version.

Version: 0.42.4

VSCode Version: 1.93.1

Commit: b1e87884330fc271d5eb589e368c35f14e76dec0

Date: 2024-10-29T17:17:29.347Z (6 days ago)

Electron: 30.4.0

Chromium: 124.0.6367.243

Node.js: 20.15.1


OS: Darwin arm64 23.4.0

I see in the developer tools this error:

“workbench.desktop.main.js:3013 ConnectError: [unavailable] getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND
at Object.F [as unary] (workbench.desktop.main.js:3822:11898)
at async Object.checkNumberConfig (workbench.desktop.main.js:266:139430)
at async p.maybeRefreshConfig (workbench.desktop.main.js:3792:15736)
at async (workbench.desktop.main.js:3966:2593)
at async x.isFileTooBigToApply (workbench.desktop.main.js:3966:3008)
at async x.canApplyToFile (workbench.desktop.main.js:3966:2495)
at async workbench.desktop.main.js:4087:54360”

“workbench.desktop.main.js:3013 ERROR WHEN RENDERING SOLID COMPONENT ReferenceError: Cannot access ‘Je’ before initialization”

Just wondering: what do you get if you go to in a web browser on the same machine?

I have no special insights here and don’t work for Cursor, but I do recognise ENOTFOUND as often being down to a DNS lookup failure. I’m wondering if your regular web browser can see the server.


I see a response:

“Welcome to Cursor. From server n6t68zfd9r8kcsitbz1w4 with time 0.0038999998942017555.
Pod name: undefined.
DD_VERSION: 0.305.838-main-50baf92236711937757b0162162dc3ed168b2357.”

Bump. Is there an SLA on when we can get a response from someone that actually works for Cursor? I’m a paid subscriber and the product has been unusable for days now.

Did you manage to make any progress with this?

I still get this all the time. Not sure what to do. Flushing DNS doesn’t help. Pretty much nothing helps except waiting an arbitrary amount of time.