Cursor stops generating


I started to use Cursor since a couple of days. It worked for a couple of hours. Then all the sudden, it stopped generating responses after generating a sentence. It usually stops streaming in the first sentence of the generated code. You see the dots blinking, but nothing happens. It’s definitely related to the ‘code generating’ part of a response.

I’ve noticed this behaviour with both GPT-4o en Claude 3.5…

The only thing I can think of is that I added my API keys to the application while still in trial. My colleague doesn’t experience this issue.

Version: 0.40.4

VSCode Version: 1.91.1

Commit: 63dae81aea2c3fc079420fe72578a8eef26ba870

Date: 2024-09-05T02:52:05.660Z (1 day ago)

Electron: 29.4.0

ElectronBuildId: undefined

Chromium: 122.0.6261.156

Node.js: 20.9.0


OS: Darwin x64 22.6.0

Please help.

Sometimes I also notice that when the response moves over to the code part, meaning when a code block begins, the response sometimes pauses a bit. I think it has something to do with the markdown rendering. Does nothing show up for you after that? Not even if you wait a little?

Nope, nothing shows up, even after 24hours

This is how it looks…

I’m surprised that I’m the only one having this issue… ?

bump, still facing the issue… even upgraed to business but no avail…

I have the same problem. I am a Pro plan user, i have only consumed 80 messages of 500 and its not generating anymore.

Where you able to fix it @michmich ?

Nope, still doesn’t work. Very frustrating. What kind of setting could i locally have that prevents Cursor from functioning?

SOLVED: Please check your extensions and remove related to ChatGPT or other coding assistants in your VSCode environment

i’m have the same problem - my cursor app has stopped generating anything in chat or composer. how do I remove anything related to chatgpt? as far as I can tell I have removed it.