Cursor Not Indexing Entire Codebase

I’ve encountered an issue with Cursor not indexing my entire codebase, and I’m seeking help to resolve it. Below are the details:

  1. When running the command: find . -path ./node_modules -prune -o -type f | wc -l → I can see that my codebase consists of 2214 files.

  2. However, when looking at the “Indexing and retrieval” log, I see:
    2024-10-10 12:08:13.924 [info] Total num embeddable files: 197
    2024-10-10 12:08:13.925 [info] Root hash: e08d37ff6faaaf0061f31ad…
    2024-10-10 12:08:13.925 [info] Finished indexing repository.

  3. From chatting with the codebase (through the Cursor interface), I understand that not all files are being indexed, as I am unable to query specific functions or get explanations of how particular business logic works.

  4. When asking the system how big my codebase is, the response is that there are 24 files.

  5. I have a PRO account, and my current version of Cursor is:

  • Version: 0.41.3
  • Running on the latest version of macOS.
  1. Indexing takes literally milliseconds, which seems way too fast for a project of this size.

Unfortunately, this issue is preventing me from effectively utilizing Cursor, as it doesn’t index a significant portion of my codebase.

Has anyone experienced a similar issue or know what could be causing the problem?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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There was a recent issue for a day where cursor was having issues with indexing for many people. The issue was acknowledged by cursor staff and seems to have been resolved for many users. Sudden Codebase Indexing issue - Handshake failed - #51 by DaveCS Perhaps your issue might be related or there may be some remaining intermittent problems?