Cursor show problems with deleted files

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Describe the Bug

Cursor show problems with deleted files

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Build a file with some error in it (e.g., lint)
  2. Delete the file (move to thrash)
  3. Click on “View” → “Problems”

You will now see the problem in a deleted file

Expected Behavior

Not show problems with deleted files

Screenshots / Screen Recordings

Operating System


Current Cursor Version (Menu → About Cursor → Copy)

Version: 0.44.9
VSCode Version: 1.93.1
Commit: 316e524257c2ea23b755332b0a72c50cf23e1b00
Date: 2024-12-26T21:58:59.149Z
Electron: 30.5.1
Chromium: 124.0.6367.243
Node.js: 20.16.0
OS: Darwin arm64 24.2.0

Additional Information


Does this stop you from using Cursor

No - Cursor works, but with this issue


I think we’ve had an update since then that may have fixed this.
Are you still having this issue?

I think it got solve . My work around was to delete the content from the deleted file

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I still experience this problem, and it’s driving me crazy.

This is more or less how I can reproduce it:

  • ask Cursor to add some files
  • accept them
  • then delete the new files (I do from cli with git or rm, but the same works if you delete them from the IDE)
  • now the repo is clean (git status doesn’t show any change)
  • deploy the app (in my case a Flutter app)

Expected: I can deploy the app
Happens: a prompt appears saying that there are errors. Clicking continue anyway deploys the app fine. Deploying the app from cli works fine no problems. The errors can still be seen in the editor and clicking them shows the deleted file (not present on the file system anymore)


Version: 0.44.11
VSCode Version: 1.93.1
Commit: fe574d0820377383143b2ea26aa6ae28b3425220
Date: 2025-01-03T07:59:06.361Z (1 wk ago)

Sequoia 15.2 (24C101)

as someone was suggesting to close Cursor in another thread, I tried, and after opening it again the problems are the in-memory cached files are all gone. So definitely the IDE (Cursor side or VS Code side) is keeping track of the non-existing files

Usually when you delete a file and run cursor, it still thinks the file still exists. You have to close cursor and reopen it.

that’s quite inefficient flow to close the IDE completely just to sync it with the file system, isn’t it?

yes i usually have to do that when i want it to refresh the file or you can try resyncing the codebase

how can I resync the codebase?

how would I trigger that?

it is in cursor feature settings

Syncing the codebase didn’t solve the issue for me, only closing the IDE.
The solution I used is to delete all the data from the “deleted” files, and then it didn’t show problem in it.

I believe the problems issue fixed for me (updated Cursor version), but I do sometime see deleted files in context

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You are right, closing the IDE and reopening it is the fastest.

@Matanga1-2 can you share your Cursor version?

Version: 0.44.11
VSCode Version: 1.93.1
Electron: 30.5.1
Chromium: 124.0.6367.243
Node.js: 20.16.0

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Thanks for the reports! I’ve logged this as an issue internally, so hopefully we can get this fix soon.

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thanks! It happens to me daily, so if you need any additional info, let me know