Cursor Tab has no effect

Hi, thanks for reporting an issue with Cursor.

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Describe the Bug

Cursor Tab has no effect: I have turned off HTTP/2, but the problem is not solved. I have removed and reinstalled it, but it has not solved the problem.

The message seen from Developer Tools is as follows, which keeps appearing:

workbench.desktop.main.js:3019 Cpp: error Error: Illegal value for lineNumber
at J.getLineMaxColumn (workbench.desktop.main.js:1274:160)
at li.immediatelyFireCppWithSpecifiedPosition (workbench.desktop.main.js:4213:6557)
at async li.immediatelyFireCppFromTrigger (workbench.desktop.main.js:4212:6674)
at async li.fireCppSuggestionFromTrigger (workbench.desktop.main.js:4212:4432)

I’m logged in and subscribed to Pro. Please tell me how should I solve the problem I encountered?
Thank you.

Steps to Reproduce

Cursor Tab has no effect

Expected Behavior

Cursor doesn’t predict my next cursor position and I can’t navigate the code seamlessly.

Everything was working very well before yesterday, but since yesterday there was no automatic prediction and tab function, which had a great impact on me. The Chat and Composer functions are still functioning normally.

Screenshots / Screen Recordings

Operating System

Windows 10/11

Current Cursor Version (Menu → About Cursor → Copy)

Electron: 2024-12-06T05:11:55.168Z
ElectronBuildId: 30.5.1
Chromium: undefined
Node.js: 124.0.6367.243
V8: 20.16.0

Additional Information

Everything was working very well before yesterday, but since yesterday there was no automatic prediction and tab function, which had a great impact on me. The Chat and Composer functions are still functioning normally.

Does this stop you from using Cursor

Yes - Cursor is unusable

Hey, please provide this information:

Also, make sure you didn’t accidentally disable it.

Could you take a screenshot of the output in the Cursor > Terminal > Output menu and select Cursor Tab from the dropdown menu?

Thank you.

2024-12-12 20:56:13.121 [info] CURSOR LOG: requestId bfa44fd8-4d2d-45e6-b175-caae1b23bc8b
2024-12-12 20:56:14.203 [info] CURSOR LOG: Done streaming cpp with id bfa44fd8-4d2d-45e6-b175-caae1b23bc8b
2024-12-12 20:56:14.203 [info] CPP RT LOG: Time taken for streaming cpp 1082.015625 with request bfa44fd8-4d2d-45e6-b175-caae1b23bc8b
2024-12-12 20:56:14.203 [info] CPP Request Log with id bfa44fd8-4d2d-45e6-b175-caae1b23bc8b
2024-12-12 20:56:14.203 [info] =======>Model output
如果需要處理跨日或 end_time 小於 begin_time 的情況,需要額外的邏輯處理。

2024-12-12 20:56:14.203 [info] =======>Debug stream time 253.14390700031072
2024-12-12 20:56:14.203 [info] =======>Debug ttft time 251.28317299950868
2024-12-12 20:56:14.203 [info] Average of latest 20 ttft time 228.01655929994303
2024-12-12 20:56:14.203 [info] Average of latest 20 stream time 230.41477624996332
2024-12-12 20:56:14.203 [info] Average of latest 20 total time NaN
2024-12-12 20:56:14.204 [info] Average of latest 20 client time 676.2933959960938
2024-12-12 20:56:14.204 [info] Average of latest 20 discrepencies NaN
2024-12-12 20:56:14.204 [info] CPP RT LOG: All stats {“streamingtime”:1082.015625,“actualTtftFromStart”:1135.821533203125,“timeTillServerRequest”:54.982177734375,“requestToTtft”:1080.83935546875,“totalTime”:1136.97802734375}
2024-12-12 20:56:17.848 [info] CURSOR LOG: requestId b1035598-5eec-4281-9f4c-4b77eca552ff
2024-12-12 20:56:18.430 [info] CURSOR LOG: Done streaming cpp with id b1035598-5eec-4281-9f4c-4b77eca552ff
2024-12-12 20:56:18.430 [info] CPP RT LOG: Time taken for streaming cpp 583.001953125 with request b1035598-5eec-4281-9f4c-4b77eca552ff
2024-12-12 20:56:18.430 [info] CPP Request Log with id b1035598-5eec-4281-9f4c-4b77eca552ff
2024-12-12 20:56:18.430 [info] =======>Model output

# 將時間字串轉換為小時、分鐘、秒
end_h, end_m, end_s = map(int, end_time.split(':'))
begin_h, begin_m, begin_s = map(int, begin_time.split(':'))

2024-12-12 20:56:18.430 [info] =======>Debug stream time 296.88260299991816
2024-12-12 20:56:18.430 [info] =======>Debug ttft time 295.35460099997
2024-12-12 20:56:18.431 [info] Average of latest 20 ttft time 230.25456619993784
2024-12-12 20:56:18.431 [info] Average of latest 20 stream time 232.30637714994373
2024-12-12 20:56:18.431 [info] Average of latest 20 total time NaN
2024-12-12 20:56:18.431 [info] Average of latest 20 client time 651.186279296875
2024-12-12 20:56:18.431 [info] Average of latest 20 discrepencies NaN
2024-12-12 20:56:18.432 [info] CPP RT LOG: All stats {“streamingtime”:583.001953125,“actualTtftFromStart”:630.282470703125,“timeTillServerRequest”:56.136962890625,“requestToTtft”:574.1455078125,“totalTime”:639.08837890625}

I found that if it was in an ipynb program file that was already under development and had accumulated some code, the tab and prediction functions were lost. If I reopen a new ipynb program file, the tab and prediction functions are normal. Please help us examine why there is such a discrepancy.
Thank you for your help.

We’ll look into it.

My Cursor has recovered its function in the past two days. Although when editing files with a lot of code, sometimes it still fails to display the prompt properly, but most of the time it can function normally, which is much better than when it was completely useless.

Thank you for your help, I will continue to subscribe to Pro and support Cursor products.