Cursor Tab started to make dumb changes

From this morning (31.1.25) I started noticing that cursor tab is proposing very annoying and unlogical changes, often breaking functionality of the code.
Incorrect closing of brackets
When adding minor functionality, its also proposing removing bigger functionality somewhere else (which shouldnt be removed)

Once it proposed deletion of beginning of next api endpoint and kinda merged it into previous one, creating another non-functional block.

Maybe it is seeing some deeper logic Im not following anymore, but until today it felt like it can read my thoughts. Not anymore.
Now I need to double check what is it porposing to prevent it from deleting my functional parts of the code :frowning:

But I love the product otherwise! Keep it rolling :slight_smile:

Thanks for the feedback. We do have our Fusion Tab model that will be made available very soon and should have much better intelligence around things like this.